Raise capital faster with the contact details of 351 Family Office contacts in the Gulf: Qatar - Oman - Kuwait - Bahrain - Saudi Arabia - UAE
Download the Sample by clicking here
- 60-80% have Email
- 40-75.75% have Phone
- 100% have LinkedIn
- Hard Bounces 0%
- Soft Bounces - 0-20% (Soft bounces typically indicate a temporary delivery issue)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Investor Type
- Email
- Phone Number
- Phone Number 2
- Mobile Phone Number
- LinkedIn URL
- Crunchbase URL
- City
- State/Region
- Country/Region
- Location
- Facebook
- Twitter Username
- AngelList
- Job Title
- Company Name
- Office Phone Number
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Hard Bounce
- Soft Bounce
- Bounce Test Date
List Created May 2023
List Updated May 2023